Practice Putting Green Etiquette
Golfing is a beautiful discipline with a whole set of unwritten rules to abide by. From clothing to keeping talking to a minimum, there are sacred tacit orders to follow when entering a golf course.
Analogically speaking, granted you consider golfing a state, when you enter the putting area you are stepping foot on a jurisdiction of its own. If you want to avoid spending time in putting jail, you must learn proper putting etiquette.
Here we show you the principal putting do’s and don’ts to look out for next time you spend time around the putting area.
Putting Green Do’s and Don’ts
Look Out for Any Signs
Here we are not referring to any type of figurative signs. We mean actual signs. If there are any signs that advise against—or strictly forbid—any type of behavior, be compliant.
For instance, if there is an indication that blatantly reads “No cell phone conversations allowed in this area”, don’t pick up your phone there.
As obvious as it gets, it comes down to being well-mannered. After all, golf is a sport of gentlemen—and gentlewomen.
Don’t Use Too Many Balls
Using many balls can sometimes be useful for certain drills that require a high volume of plays to master a particular technique. However, you must bear in mind that the putting area is not the driving range. You can disturb other people with your drilling antiques if you use too many balls. Besides, you can take up much-needed space from other players.
When playing your putts, especially in crowded ones, limit your putting balls to 3. More than that is straight-up excessive.
Keep Circulating
Once you put the ball in the hole, don’t do your victory dance while other players have to witness your finest moves. Get it going so that other people can use the green area in the same way you have. This isn’t a musical! Whenever you score, go to the next part of the course.
Put the Flag on the Fringe If You Are Going to Remove It
Putting flags are better off left where they are supposed to be. Yet, when you feel the urge to remove them, avoid leaving them in the path of other players’ balls. Place them gently on the fringe—that is the area in the green with higher grass, also called the “apron”—while you play.
Consider Using Tees When Somebody Is Using the Hole
Although golf is an individual sport for the most part, it can certainly happen at times that you run into people when you desire to be on your own. A hallmark example is when you get to the putting area and someone arrives at the party before you.
The last thing you need here is having other players sapping your focus away. But, if they got there earlier than you, you must oblige. Not only that, but it is polite to let them finish too, so that then you can immediately make use of the cup afterward.
Instead of just standing there, consider placing a couple of tees to practice your aim. Remember to do it somewhere distant from other balls’ trajectories. By doing this, you kill two birds with one stone: You wait for the other person to conclude their play, and you hone your skills in style, and in an etiquette-friendly manner as a plus.
Chip Your Ball Discretionarily
This point has as many divergent opinions as a newbie has points on their handicap. While there are some places where cautious ball-chipping is allowed, it is generally frowned upon when there are other players in place.
When the green is crowded, putting is the standard practice. Avoid forcefully wedging your way into the hole.
Furthermore, ball-chipping tends to damage the green. If you do so, it is your duty and responsibility to repair the green patch that you have just damaged. Hitting other players becomes a possibility too. So, in short, if you can avoid chipping balls at the green altogether, it’s a win-win for everybody.
No Marks on the Green!
This is a rookie’s mistake, and you will definitely get unwanted stares coming your way if you do it. Don’t mark the green. It’s a delicate surface, and you can hinder other players’ shots by doing this, as it alters how balls roll.
This also goes hand in hand with standing for too long on one particular part of the green. Your footprints damage the grass, so throw a towel on it if you plan to stay longer than your visit is welcome.
The best way to avoid this mishap altogether is by simply keeping moving and avoiding staying at one single place when you are in the green area.
Watch Out for Other Players’ Shots
This can happen to anyone, but this still doesn’t make it excusable. When in the putting green, be extra attentive to other incoming balls, especially if you are positioned somewhere close to the cup.
Also, you can save yourself from a bad ankle roll. If you step on a ball by accident, you can severely increase your chances of injuring yourself. Take care of yourself and fellow players.
Steer Clear of Drills in Crowded Greens
While all this takes is a minimal degree of common sense, it can be easy to get lured into transforming the green into a showcase of your tee collection. Be mindful of others, and practice putting drills in another place when the green gets busy. Drilling in a congested green only begs for trouble.
Watch Your Shadow
Shadows can disturb people’s shots. Whenever you are close to the cup, double-check that you aren’t casting a shadow on top of it. This is especially helpful for beginners.
Be the Best Golfer You Can Be!
In conclusion, it all comes down to being considerate of others and placing good manners above personal interest. To be the best player, you also have to be a person others look up to.
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