Golf Putting Tips for Beginners

Let’s face the facts. Most of the games are lost in the putting area. It usually happens that you can rock a mad drive in a Par 4 hole, but then you wind up losing precision when the time to putt comes. 

This is a common problem because most beginners don’t know how to shoot their putts right. From body positioning to simply knowing how to read the green, there are many intricacies surrounding putt shots that can’t simply be overcome by “trying your best.”

If you are a beginner facing putting technical difficulties, you’re at the right place. Here we shed light on some tips that can help you lower your scores the next time you head to the course.

Study the Environment

When you’re at the green, you’re not just standing on top of fancy-cut, bright, green grass. There are some subtleties you must learn to read right if you want to become a decent putter.

For starters, rarely does ever a putt take place on a perfectly flat and even surface. That should tell you that there’s more than what meets the eye. Undulations, slopes, ground blemishes, and other factors can ostensibly change the end result of your so-calculated shots.

Before you hit the ball, always place your marker while standing right behind it. Walk a couple of steps to where the cup is to determine the possible path for your ball. Take mental notes if the opponents’ shots lean toward the left or right, or whether the ball slightly goes back before it comes to a stop or not.

Right before your shot, study the ground that lies in front of the hole. By doing all of this, you will be able to assess more efficiently the possible outcomes of your shots.

As a bonus, also keep an eye on the hue of green of the grass. Lighter green grass means that the grass will offer less friction since it’s cut away from you. This additionally means that the ball will travel faster.

Furthermore, the length of the grass matters as well. Longer grass tends to slow balls down, whereas “tight and nice” grass usually stands for faster putt shots.

Correct Your Global Body Positioning

The best and quickest tip we can give you toward correcting your body position for the better in terms of putting, that will give you results right away is to watch out for your club grip strength. When you handle the club, it should feel natural, neither too tight nor too loose; held strong enough so that it doesn’t slip away from your hands when using it.

Maneuvering your club with a clenched grip will only lead to a weaker swing. Looser hands give you more room to allow the club to gain momentum while executing your shot.

Regarding your arms, keep them in front of your body and away, all while tucking your elbows inward. In this way, you prevent yourself from swinging either from the arms or wrists. Employing your wrists is not necessarily a bad thing, but it’s a rather advanced move you’re better off without for the time being.

You should bend yourself right over the ball in such a form that the club is barely touching the ground, and that your eyes are right above the ball. Always remember that the ball will go where your sight is directed, and your body also follows suit in the same fashion. Essentially speaking, the eyes mold the overall shape of the shot.

Once you are set in your place, try to visualize where you intend the ball to go, and how you want to make that happen. You should always be in control of your putt and not vice versa. Practice your swing three times mentally before physically doing it. Your legs should be steady at all times, only linearly rocking your shoulders.

Mind How You Shift Your Bodyweight

Golf has a tendency of keeping you on your toes at all times. This is not only figurative but also a very literal notion. This is especially prominent when you putt. A very well-known rookie’s mistake is to have all of your weight shifted toward your heels. When you indulge in this habit, you have no control over your shot.

While every person is different, you will notice that your putt control will increase in heaps and bounds when you shift the weight of your body toward your toes. If you combine this with all of the other tips regarding body position, you are set to lower your overall scores.

What Type of Stroke Do You Have?

Your putt can look as though it follows a linear shape, going back and through, or perhaps with either a light or strong arc. 

Knowing this is highly valuable, as you can know better if you are rather suited for a face-balanced putter, a mid-hang putter, or simply a toe-down putter. If you have a slight arc, you’ll see yourself benefitted from the mid-hang putter or face-balanced, and if you have a strong arc, a toe-down.

Length of Your Stroke

The length of the stroke is the distance the putter head has to travel in order to shoot the ball toward the cup. The more distance traveled, the longer the stroke shall be. The closer you are to the hole, the subtler you want your shot to be.

However, there is one aspect that is universal regardless of the shot’s desired length: The putter’s head should always travel the same amount of distance back and forth. This will result in a rather controlled putt with a smoother power output.

Practice Makes Perfect!

When you are a beginner, you should focus on practicing as much as you possibly can. The more repetitions you can squeeze, and the more referential points you can attain throughout practice, the merrier. 

Bonus tip: Don’t limit yourself to only practicing at the course. You can practice many of your putting fundamentals from the comfort of your home, with implements such as putting mats and mirrors. Get yourself the best ones in the market at

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